Manufacturing Case Study:
How Raffmetal Has Cut Down Transfer Costs And Reduced Planning Time For Its Sales Network Thanks To The ADE Process 
Find out how you can optimise costs and increase revenues by boosting your Salesforce CRM
This case study is for you if:
  • If you are a sales manager using Salesforce as CRM and you want to understand how to improve the sales network efficiency.
  • If you want to understand how to improve your sales network to avoid wasting time and budget on non-sales activities.
  • If you're about to start with Salesforce as CRM and you want to understand all the potential that this ecosystem can provide you.
In the case study you'll find:
  • How Raffmetal has strengthened its sales network through the ADE process
  • What were the inefficiencies of the commercial process that prevented the sales network from achieving excellent results.
  • How you can optimize planning activities so you can focus more on sales.
If you want learn how you can optimize the costs of your sales network download the case study

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